in the 生活营d
four day three night hor....
kns B.T!
but very happy la~
onli the teacher kns garang shj!
In the first day
we go to a University`s classroom yang "lao ya" in P.D
当作 our 宿舍!!!
i know....
it hav 冷气
it hav fan
n i 不应该投诉
but accept tis all is bed!!!!
n in tis kem
cannot bring handphone!!!
didnt ini shj
n the meal!!!!
coz tis kem diadakan oleh satu 庙宇...
we cant eat meat...
n we wanted 祈祷before eating...
n we muz eat the meal "cleanly"...
n it giv me so many rice...
n sedikit sayur hanya...
But we play the 障碍赛at afternoon tat day
there hav 11 障碍along 起点n 终点
tis activity for me hor...
easy job onli....
bayi pun boleh play d...
me can finished it without bantuan
another ppl cant do it...
At the night of tat day
we dibahagi kepada beberapa kumpulan n
memilih leader n hav a night walk in the jungle...
cant bring torch light!
so me walk dengan takut takut...
coz teacher menakut me
me takut 水蛭...
me takut serangga d (kecuali 蚂蚁)
say kns again...
where got 水蛭???
kering hingga mati...
ada water in the jungle mie???
tat teacher menakut me shj....
We got a serius 遭遇in the setengah road of the jungle
iaitu mengambil dua batang 蜡烛walk to
the 3/4 of the road!!!
Two teacher 扮the sound of bear along the road
scared me 差点throw the 蜡烛into the jungle ^^
the road of jungle we walk for 3.5hrs
the距离mesti lebih daripada 10km
leg so sakit....
The second day..
is my favourite day...
coz we go play the kayak!
so 爽!
our kayak so faz
but alway take wrong way...
so we didnt took the winner...
but so happy la!!!
In the afternnon
our 7 kumpulan bekerjasama
to draw a 队旗...
i n my party member draw a flower on it
n put our 手掌印on it shj
sangat easy...
n the night we hav a
tak ada apa la...
onli say about pendapatan tis two day onli...
so i didnt say many about tis...
The morning of third day
me平生第一次play the Flying Fox!!!
me 惧高d lie~
n the ladder to the top
tiada kemudahan keselamatan d
scared a~
Finally i turn down n ntg else
but hav a ppl pengsan liao~
n muntah....
At the evening we hav the servival liar class~
i learn how to cook the rice in buluh n botol le
walaupun finally i didnt eat it
but i really cook it...
menjadi bubur le....
after tis we check out from the university
n bek to the 庙宇
coz we hav 54 ppl!!!
bas onli can sent 40 ppl shj...
so we call 2 van sent our kumpulan bek...
finally the van 塞车along the road come P.D
so we wait for 2 hrs at there....
after the ppl ride bas bek the van 才come...
so we 练习the drama tat we will 表演
at the last day...
The last day...iaitu today is ntg to say
all day 彩排the drama...
n fianally 表演hadapan 家长
n the leader of all the kem (营长)
suruh we wanted 斟茶to our parents
after 表演...
At the 瞬间of giv tea..
i ask my father....
"Yu 感动or not?"
my father say....
"Yes,i m!"
i ask him again...
"So later can yu take me to eat Mcdonald?"
He ntg to say....
coz i didnt eat meat for 4 day le
i wan eat meat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so taday i eat 1 of the beef burgler n
2 packet of nuget!
Stack Garden
6 months ago