Today is 3 Jan...
n it is the last 2 day from
the 开学...
N 2day i go skul to buy my
n i c many children
wif uniform wor...
scared me!
me 还以为 2day open skul....
rupa-rupanya is
rmb last year me pun serupa
n now....
do a 学长lol...
but i "muz" buly them!!!!!!
keran they didnt hear my
tat i told them in the...
i menasihat merska...
tak mahu in Chong Hwa
kerana hav many serius d
Formula Pig tidak dikira didalam
ini kerana dia onli use his mouth onli
n he didnt 巡课d
nub he!!!
but all the 副principle n 训导 are serius ppl
rmb tat a day...
i go to the 副训导主任处kerana hav
some problem...(tat the hal about hp di偷)
n it is onli our 5 pelajar n one 训导
in the room...
n tidak lama kemudian...
one of the 副principle come in...
her air muka so frenly d...
but after she come in
n the 训导told she about the hal
she onli say one 话:
Ganinia d!!!!
tidak ada 慰问d...
nasid baik hp saya tidak hilang...
Stack Garden
6 months ago