Kns d!
me hav a heart attack le...
coz my heart so hurt....
why leh???
coz me lost my.....
kns so lapar...
where are my 饭团????
my darling...
come back...
i wan eat yu....
me sungguh lapar.....
Pk 新春庙会...
kns so many ppl at there....
so 挤!!!
terutama tat初一仔dun know
always langgar me....
fanally me 饭团....
掉 liao lol....
kns 初一仔!!!!!!!
害me sungguh lapar.....
i hav candy...
Yeh~~~me are pro....
n today hor...
Hong Hong so 惨!!!
ditarik oleh the ppl who is象棋学会d
den kerana ada me...
i help him to run out....
he didnt thx to me...
n me forget to bring the show ticket....
so can t c the show...
tat ticket price Rm4 a....
my money a....你死到好冤枉a....
today 放学 hav 交通堵塞
kns the van dipandu dengan slow...
slow until me sleep
n i c the principle stand beside the primary skul near my skul...
i say hi to him....
he smile to me....
so 胃...
me wanted muntah le....
he can do 钟楼怪人le
but he is thiner la
N today hor....
me play maple n kill the 蜗牛until 10000 ekor!!!!
my otak so hurt now....
but me sudah changes the cool blue chair le....
so yeng....
i like it....
Stack Garden
6 months ago