Actually I do not have the mind to write my blog in English,
because I am quite sure that in the future when I look back to these this shit thing I will have the strong desire to delete though it stored many of my memories.
But this is life, I could only say, if now I do not do so then will be suffering in the future (based on what my lecturers said).
Nehh, better to stop talking about that no-point stuff.
So, this come through the May so silently and quite surprisingly,
for those who fighting for uec as well as have the admire from me,
half of the life (of fighting) has past.
Talking about that just because I still a bit regret to not do so, it should be interesting.
During my birthday, I received the touching photo from my gang surprisingly,
well, although the idea for the photo is actually quite outdated but I was still almost to cry.
I never expect them to sacrifice that much until all of them gathered just for making a love for me, in those embarrassed posture and gesture especially.
Haha, Love them...well, not really forever, but approaching it.
And also a present from Adrian which is actually not out from my expectation,
but Adrian's style present always make people feel very speechless meanwhile very gamdong undeniably,
so after I have opened at least seven layers of cover for that thing, I got a shell, a definitely normal white lala shell.
Well, and a pack of magic poker hide inside the box, so I wondered why the box is so heavy initially.
and luckily he did that, if not I was going to kill him for wasting my time.
And today is Mother's Day,
I have prepared the present few days ago without any reason but it has made my wallet bleeding as result.
But it is worth while I saw how surprised were my mum in the early morning when I passed her the fully-packed mother's day present.
And for that reason my whole family went to Golden Horse Hotel for a lovely lunch,
it is damn few people and I cant imagine why it should be a six-star hotel,
it is even warmer than a three-star hotel and I just saw loaf of famous (I don't think they are famous actually) people photo hanging on the wall.
So, does the grading of a hotel is all depends on the area covered and amount of Prime Minister visited?
I wonder that.
And now I am suffering from the College Writing assignment,
I have the strong mind to drop that subject now after I strongly regret for the stupid decision I made at the beginning of this sem.
I cant even think of the reasons why she expected us to write a journal referring the format of what APA format,
Cant she just let us search the information online or just google for details then finish that shit assignment personally?
I am now dunno what to do, and the deadline approaching made me mad and pekcek extremely >.<"
This bullshit 2013 years,
buried a lot of my past, and force me to accept lot of new stuff, new environments cruelly.
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6 months ago