So things and things happened throughout this 10 months,
And the good mood of being a uni. student has obviously expired.
Uni. and high school are different, i had expected before i steps into this area,
by honestly, i expected it to be more interesting and enjoyable.
But now, i found it differed from what i expected.
Come from some sides, it is more enjoyable undeniably,
studying for few hours only everyday,
exam be purposely made to a easier way in order to raise our CGPA,
no any compulsory or strict limitation anymore,
can even not to attend classes if you feel good to do so,
and so on.
On the contrary, everyone gathers for those few hours only,
maintaining friendship by outing so frequently, which i think it is easy to be broken,
find no one dare to ask question anymore,
since they are still managed to pass the exam without understanding it at all.
And the most unpleasant thing is, feeling be forced to be mature.
You couldn't say anything without thinking anymore,
since somebody would say you are brainless,
even though you know it was only a joke,
but when the time passes by, and the joke be repeated,
no one would like to be assigned 'brainless',
so they will stay silent from that day onward.
Since when, have to consider whether to talk or not to talk when chatting with friends.
Feels no good for pretending or hiding the true me in front of friends,
but they forced you to.
The funny thing is, i only realized it when i chat with high school friends,
and they said i became so serious suddenly.
Yeah, i admit that i have changed a lot.
By the way, the way of making friends in uni. is different as well,
which is the way i don't like at all.
Since when, once people introducing me, they have to introduce my high school name as well.
Since when, even a bystander, to whom i have to consider to shake or not to shake my hand,
can simple say out the model of my car.
Even though those were not secrets, i still feel not good when simply anyone could know that.
Coming from my side, being friends is a process of digging out his or her secret,
once they would pleasant, or put their trust at you to share their secrets,
then you are undeniably their friends.
希望有又好又有水准又便宜又多lenglui的大学收我吧~! ^^
Stack Garden
6 months ago