Juz suddenly think of writing something else,
but have no idea how to start.
So now I slowly get used to the uni. life here,
it has actually began for 3 weeks already,
apparently did a great job in defining 'slowly'.
Kinda proud of myself now, hng hng.
Well, nothing changes so big compare wif in Sunway, to be honest,
and the girls here are juz too conservative,
so that I have not much mini skirt or sexy v-neck to enjoy.
Never thought of still being pure after coming here.
Everyone kept telling me if I came here sure got polluted.
Kinda be cheated.
*Sigh* again
Nevermind about that.
And the classes is getting more and more insane until no words can express,
even though technically this semester I am retaking every subject which got rejected to be transferred...
Well, I still find it insane.
The syllabus bullshxt.
Having culture shock to find that white people actually doesn't ask much questions either.
Kinda curious if they are smart enough to not ask any questions,
or have no idea what the lecturer was talking about so keep silent,
which...kinda juz like what I do.
No wonder people says to not fail in uni. is good enough.
Excluding the Sunway, that one bullshxt, cost a lot and everything non-transferable.
The weather at the same time is insane also,
makes me almost everyday say some curse words stepping out of the buildings.
Sometimes morning it comes 9 degree and afternoon changes to 22 degree,
else 12 degree the entire day then 25 degree the next day.
Can you juz be a bit consistent?
And the most terrible thing here is that eating in the restaurant MUST pay tips.
else you got scolded.
They even set a percentage for the tips,
and at the same time not mentioning the tips on the receipt.
I goddxmn hate this policy here, makes no sense at all.
Why should I pay you tips if I boshong you?
Everything seems still alright besides all those bullshxt stuffs.
Juz that spent a lot of money for dinner.
I actually have a meal plan, but what to do when friends ask you to go yumcha?
Really wasting money especially the meal here like damn expensive.
So most of my friends have entered their college or uni.,
it basically means most people have left Malaysia already.
Kinda miss them actually.
One thing surprised is Yemin has a boyfriend,
and another thing to surprise is Jiaherr had a girlfriend,
one more thing to surprise is most Malaysians here got a partner.
Which means that kinda hard to find a nice and pretty Malaysian girlfriend here,
but who cares,
because being in relationship is too mainstream.
Well, I care, and I like this mainstream.
Lame, I admit that.
Think of having a cardboard with 'Single and Available' hanging on my neck now.
and you can imagine how serious the situation now.
Btw it has no reason for being FA,
should be because of too lengzai already.
A nice way to be optimism, Heh Heh Heh!
Not fun. Lame. *Sigh*
Nevermind about that, juz to complain the FA-ness.
Luckily JingJing still FA as well, else I would start thinking it is my face problem.
Hmm...such a fortunate.
So, the thing is I am still alive, and I am glad to see you guys still alive.
Except for those who got partners.
I would wish good luck to you guys to stay forever but juz couldn't help to feel jealous and to beici you guys.
Meh, betrayals!
That is it.
Stack Garden
6 months ago