Saturday, November 15, 2008

The all ppl me met in Chong Hwa One Ren Class

at first day i in one ren class
i met a helpful ppl
cauz i havent take my 文具
he lent me a pensel
he is 罗贤达!
a good name,isnt it?

n i 记得a kns ppl named 耀槟
he is a 淫+变态+脸皮厚ppl
he 调戏学长!
n say副校长is a male!(sure,she好像a man lol)
many ppl so不爽he terutama the ppl sit in front me,封之杰
we always call him blackjack!

at last,耀槟退学!
wif a girl ppl
i always say them私奔,hahaha!

in the交流会,i met best fren,goldenfish!
his real name is 李经琛
he also very 淫n脸皮厚+风流,but he didnt变态
so i fren wif he
but he also di不爽 oleh some ppl
tat they always argue.....

after it,i take very rajin in my akademik n didnt结交朋友
at 年中i met my best best fren-Yap Wai Hong melalui mosiang!
i can use one 句子to simile him iaitu:
ya,he also 淫
but his favourite is male

Last,is 陈彦名
he is a pro guy in keputusan
but he so 骄傲n暴力
n 重色轻友
鄙视ing he
but he giv me a lot of 帮助before peperiksaan
say thank to him at here

cauz me also didnt a正人君子,
accept 贤达,all my fren is very 淫!
we hav a happy 学年at one ren
walaupun my 离别之情at the last day of one ren cannot more then my小学毕业
but me also very 舍不得!

i cant 介绍all my fren at here,so i choose the most frenly good fren at here,hope we will met next year!


durian head said...

me gud la...
tak ada "yam" la

wai hou said...

dun know hu r yu?
Mr Gam?