tis morning,my mother n father call me wake up early,n they say we will hav lunch(c properly,i dun hav take my breakfast) wif their "penyu"(福建话式朋友的讲法),i know we will hav our lunch at a place famous wif its fish(Really,its fish so enak).
At there,we hav叫了four fish n one chicken+one 羊肉dish,but....cauz i sit at a 冷清place,n onli the lamb dish at hadapan me,n my parent dun bird onli eat three spoon of fish n a lot of is so angry.....dun say me so 小气,try to thought that if yu wake up at 8 am in "holiday",n hav a small street(the restaurant is on a hill)to a restaurant famous of fish onli to eat "three spoon of fish n a lot of lamb"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yu will do wut?
*I write tis post cauz i went back home to bath onli,not instead i can online,me also will go my grandma home n hav a sian holiday........unless..........I dun say first,giv yu cemas!!!Hahahahaha!
Hope yu hav a nice day!
Stack Garden
6 months ago
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